Who we are
The IMPERO DEL MATE was born out of passion before work.
The culture of Mate and its Yerba has taken root in our daily lives thanks to the bonds that basketball has created between us and then resulted in a digital adventure between the large platforms.
We are three guys, two Italians on the sides of Italy, between Bolzano and Taranto, and one Argentinian from Salliqueló in the province of Buenos Aires.
From this year we have decided to pool our knowledge and skills to offer a range of products that, in our opinion, qualitatively speaking, are lacking in the European market. We therefore decided to mobilize artisans in Argentina, whose workforce far exceeds the average products available on the most well-known trading platforms, combining a large selection of Yerba Mate ranging from the Brazilian one to the Argentine one. There is no shortage of appropriate accessories and we are very proud to be able to offer as soon as possible a complete selection of everything you need to immerse yourself in the Mate culture.
The passion and enthusiasm to try our hand at this working idea are the principles that push us to learn and improve as much as possible because we firmly believe in the meaning of Mate and the benefits it can bring to the body if drunk on a daily basis.
Certain that whatever happens it is a starting and learning point, we hope that you can appreciate our proposal and, why not, become regular and satisfied Yerba Mate drinkers!

Diego Corral
My name is Diego Corral, born in Salliquelo Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina. For 17 years I have been traveling to Italy with a bagful of dreams and illusions linked to basketball, the sport that has given me so much today. I am passionate about ornithology, fishing, I love spending time in the open air, enjoying nature as I did when I was a boy in my hometown, also enjoying time with my wife, my boyfriend and friends and why not be a good mate (that can't be done ever, of course). I traveled throughout Italy, and in each case I tried to transmit a little of our culture, in 2018 I met Gianma, the first Italian with whom I was forced to share my late mates before training; in 2021 we met Lollo, another teammate who took up this new rite, and in the three cases without suing him, we formed the basis for the creation of our EMPIRE OF MATE, which reflects everything that the Mate represents, AMISTAD , UNION, INTERCAMBIO, HOSPITALIDAD.

Lorenzo D'Alessandro
I'm Lorenzo D'Alessandro and I'm part of the Impero del Mate Team!
Born in South Tyrol from Bolzano, I started playing basketball when I was little and then began a basketball career away from home as soon as I finished high school. Thanks to basketball I toured several cities in northern Italy and made friends with many people, including Argentine kids! It was at that moment that I approached the Mate culture and it became part of my daily life. Initially I drank it for the energizing effect and for the nutritional properties that allowed me to be clear-headed and productive both in sport and in study. Today it has become a real ritual to be shared in the company of friends and family, enjoying different herbs and experimenting with aromas and new flavours!

Gianmarco Conte
I'm Gianmarco Conte and I'm part of the Impero del Mate team!
Born and raised in Taranto, where I started playing basketball, at 17 I decided to pack my bags and try to turn my passion into a job.
I toured different teams and cities and made many friends, including my Argentinian friend dieguito or, as I like to call him nahuelito, I shared a lot of time and almost three basketball seasons! Among the many afternoons spent together I started drinking mate before training and exploring all the nuances of mate. I began to approach this culture for its many benefits, but also because its history intrigued me a lot. Mate has become part of my everyday life and I can no longer do without it, I pack my backpack and always take it with me on all my trips!