Il Ricettario di Giusy

Giusy's Cookbook

When you say one thing leads to another, we are here to present you with original and creative ideas with which you can have fun in the kitchen by re-proposing the great classics of Latin American cuisine!

This recipe book for Alfajores and Chocotorte was born from a collaboration with Giusy, obviously based on the inimitable Dulce de Leche !

But first a few words about our creator Giusy Cancelliere :
"Life has led me to move often and thanks to this I have the opportunity to get to know the regional cuisines and the typical products of our territory; in general I love traveling and getting lost among the flavors and aromas of the cuisines of the world without ever forgetting those that are my roots (Materan and in a small percentage also Neapolitan). My training and professional experience have always been centered on the world of training and this represents an important part for me; but experimenting in the kitchen, revisiting recipes giving a personal touch or inventing new ones new, it has always been an unconditional passion since I was little since it is the means that allows me to freely express who I am.
In my own small way, I try to convey all this through the social channels that today allow me to reach the greatest number of people but above all I try to take care of my pages with dedication and commitment in the hope that they can accompany, be useful or inspire, to those who come across in my experiences! "

For the pastry
280 g of 00 flour
30 g of bitter cocoa
20 g of grated dark chocolate
100g of granulated sugar
One egg plus one yolk
130 g of salted butter
8 g of baking powder
The grated peel of half an orange

For the stuffing
250g of dulce de leche

In the bowl of the mixer, or by hand in a container, mix the semi-soft butter together with the sugar, salt and orange peel. Add the eggs and gradually the sifted powders and the chocolate, kneading (the chocolate shortcrust pastry is a little dirty so it is better to use gloves) to obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough. Wrap it in cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for at least an hour. Roll out the pastry to a thickness of 4 mm and cut out discs of approximately 4.5 cm. Place the biscuits on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in a preheated oven at 170° for 15/20 minutes, then leave them to cool. Fill a piping bag with the slightly softened dulce de leche and fill the biscuits.

The dessert that cannot be missed at birthday parties in 🇦🇷.
It is based on our beloved no-cook tiramisu and is as simple as it is delicious; only 4 ingredients and many delicious layers to dip your spoon into.

450g of spreadable cheese
350g of dulce de leche
300 ml of espresso coffee
800g of chocolate biscuits plus extra for decorating

Whisk the spreadable cheese together with the dulce de leche. Place a 36x24 cm rectangular mold on the serving plate and cover the sides with baking acetate or baking paper (or arrange the dessert directly inside a baking dish). Dip each biscuit in the coffee and arrange them on the base. Fill with approximately 130/135 g of cream and repeat the operation until the ingredients are finished. In total there will be 6 layers of biscuits and 5 of cream. Leave to rest in the fridge overnight, then remove any mould. Fill the piping bag with the leftover cream and decorate the surface of the cake, finishing with crumbled biscuits and, if desired, a sprinkling of bitter cocoa.


285 g of 00 flour
250g of granulated sugar
6 large eggs
180ml of water
20g of yerba mate
120 ml of sunflower seed oil
A sachet of baking powder
8g cream of tartar
The grated zest of half an orange
A pinch of salt

For the filling
400 g of spreadable cheese
12 g of isinglass
100g of dulce de leche
35 g of icing sugar

Heat the water to a temperature of 80°, add the mate leaves and turn off the heat. Leave to infuse for about five minutes then filter the liquid through a narrow mesh strainer. Beat the egg whites together with the cream of tartar and salt until they have tripled in volume. Whisk the sugar together with the egg yolks, the flavored water, the oil and the orange zest until you have a smooth, homogeneous mixture. Add the sifted powders and mix for a few minutes.
At this point add the egg white mass in 3 stages gently from bottom to top. Transfer the dough into the chiffon cake mold (not buttered), cook for 50 minutes at 160° in the lower part of the oven, then in the central part at 170° for another 5/7 minutes (do the toothpick test). Once cooked, turn the mold upside down onto a rack lined with baking paper and let it cool completely (if it doesn't slide off on its own, use a knife to detach it from the walls). Soak the gelatine in cold water for ten minutes, then dissolve it gently in a saucepan with a drop of water.
Mix the cheese with the icing sugar, gelatin and dulce de leche and leave the mixture to rest in the fridge for at least an hour. Cut the cold cake in half, fill with the cream, leaving a little aside. Decorate with the leftover cream and mate leaves.

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